Sunday, September 30, 2012

Saturday, September 8, 2012

the 5-1-4 rookie bargain hunt: st. henri

l'armée du salut, 1620 notre dame ouest, montréal, qc.

rating: un étoile/ one star. pretty alright considering the neighborhood but c'mon guys i'm kinda (shamelessly) pro at this. this was bottom of the barrel, and not in the "50 points to thrift-yndor" kind of way. yeah ok i know but i'm wearing the evidence of general disappointment in this photo. still i totally bought that lace eyelet blouse, gonna wear it with denim short shorts, ankle boots and ... that red helmet LIKE A BOSS.

this guy, a polish artist who lives in a warehouse, that i bought my red vintage bike helmet from sorta let on that there are value villages in the qc. super excited about that one.

haggling in the home of the habs/dear god why am i in montreal

that alliteration was the sucks. don't worry, dear reader, there is no hope ahead, only puns.

sooo i used to have this style blog about weird things i bought at thrift stores & wore in daily life. it started out as a mini-tribute to the bins [goodwill outlet] in pdx, oregon & became about my bizarre findings at the holy trinity of secondhand style (goodwill, salvo army, nam) in my hometown of houston, texas.

i figure now that i'm living, studying, & working in montreal, i could resurrect this concept with a spin-off blog. so here we go.

in case you didn't stick it in your googler yet, "friperie" is the french word for "thrift store." so "allez aux friperies" is like "go thrifting!" except for me that's more like, heyyy, let's go look for things that are weird, fantastic, & possibly even man-repelling. i like to think i have the right amount of "this has been fun but i think i forgot to the let cat out, kthxbye" outfits that a girl should have.

on another note can i write for penthouse letters when i grow up? i was totally admiring their extensive use of alliteration while at the atwater market the other day. y'know, in case all my other totally promising future job prospects fall through.